Past Events

27-31 May 2024. FlexTech Industial International Spring School on Human-AI Teaming. Biarritz, France.

15-17 May, 2024. Human Systems Integration of Human-AI Teaming. Adjustable Human Autonomy Teaming. Special session at IEEE ICHMS 2024 - 4th IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

8 April 2024. Human Systems Integration, by G.A. Boy. Invited Lecture and Workshop at the International Space University (ISU), Strasbourg, France.

8-10 May 2024. Space situation awareness: A human systems integration approach. 4th International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) Conference on Space Situational Awareness (ICSSA). Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, 1 Aerospace Blvd, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA.

22 March 2024. Human Systems Integration in the Design of Complex Systems. Keynote by Guy A. Boy. 4th Digitalization Workshop organized by IFATCA, Geneva Airport Press Room, Switzerland.

14 March 2024. Human Systems Integration. Education Day at Dasault Systèmes. Vélizy-Villacoublay.

19-23 February 2024. Human Systems Integration in Aeronautics. Guy A. Boy Lecturing at Cranfield University, U.K.

16-18 January 2024. Human Systems Integration of Systems of Systems. Guy A. Boy's Invited Address.  Congrès Annuel AFIS. Cité Internationale Universitaire. Paris.

18 December 2023. Human Systems Integration, by Guy A. Boy. Invited Address at the Maison des Polytechniciens - Hôtel de Poulpry,12 rue de Poitiers, 75007 Paris.

21 December 2023 (10:30). Human-AI Teaming: A Human Systems Integration Approach, by Guy A. Boy. Séminaire MEGA (LBMC, UMR_T9406 Univ Eiffel et UCBL, et LESCOT Univ Eiffel). Salle Jules Verne, Campus Bron, Université Gustave Eiffel.

13 December 2023 (12:30 PM - 14:30 AEDT (UTC +11) UTC). Human Systems Integration: Bridging Systems Engineering and Human Factors Workshop. 2023 Australian INCOSE HSI WS. Venue: Virtual.

23-24 ovember 2023. 40th anniversary of the Air & Space Academy. Toulouse.

10 November 2023. Human Systems Integration. Invited Webinar at Embraer Portugal and Brasil. (14:00-15:30 Brussels CET) by Guy André Boy.

2 November 2023. Problem-solving & procedures: How people handle unexpected situations. Guy A. Boy Invited Lecturer at the Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin, China.

30-31 October 2023. Complex Systems Design and Management Conference CSD&M-2023. Guy A. Boy Keynote Speaker on HSI, and Yang Sun will give a presentation of her Ph.D. work. Beijing, China.

26 October 2023. Human Systems Integration: From Industry 4.0 to Society 5.0. Online Keynote at Huawei 5th MBSE Technical Engineering Conference, China.

19 October 2023 (14:00 CET). Architecting Autonomy for Operations – Design for Flexibility, a Human Systems Integration Approach: From rigid automation to flexible autonomy. SystemX Seminar, Paris Saclay, France.

13 October 2023. SocioErgonomics... toward Organizational Readiness Levels (ORL). Keynote at INCOSE HSI Workshop US Sector (hybrid) Seattle, WA, USA.

27-28 September 2023. Is the machine a partner or a Tool? A major issue of Human-AI Teaming. AI4SE & SE4AI Workshop 2023. Program. Sponsored & organized by U.S. Army DEVCOM Armaments Center (AC) Systems Engineering Directorate and the Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC) of the Department of Defense (DoD) in collaboration with the George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA.

14 September 2023. An epistemological approach of human systems integration. Research Keynote by Guy André Boy. RER ESTIA, Bidart, France.

6 September 2023. What do we mean by the context in engineering and operations? EUROCONTROL Webinar (15:00-16:30 Brussels CET) by Guy André Boy. --> CANCELED.

30 August 2023. Exploring the Human-Machine Convergence: Emerging Technological Frontiers. Online invited talk. The 6th Global Emerging Innovation Summit. Melbourne, Australia - scheduled at 09:00 AM CET (05:00 PM Australian time). By Guy André Boy.

27-28 July 2023. Human Systems Integration: From STEM to STEAM. INCOSE SySTEAM’s Inaugural Mini Conference. Online. By Guy André Boy.

The shift from Industry 4.0 to Society 5.0 in the evolution of contemporary systems engineering requires including people and organizations within the whole life cycle of sociotechnical systems. This endeavor starts at school. Consequently, education and training must include human systems integration (HSI) as a discipline at the same level as mathematics and physics. HSI is based on digital engineering providing tools that enable students to learn by doing through the creation, testing, and refinement of virtual prototypes of any kind. Human-in-the-loop simulation (HITLS) capabilities enable the observation and discovery of emerging properties of sociotechnical systems being designed. At the same time, we develop creativity, participatory methods, and tangibility criteria to assess various types of maturity (technological, human, and organizational).

5-7 July 2023. Colloque EPIQUE. Ecole du Val de Grace, Paris, France.

Symposium #103: Human-machine teamwork: A cross-engineering-ergonomics approach to human systems integration in the aerospace and automotive sectors, by Guy André Boy & Chloé Morel (FlexTech), Xavier Chalandon & Jean-Baptiste Haué (Renault) - Wednesday 5 July 11:30-13:00.

Abstract. The increasing digitization of complex socio-technical systems calls for a better understanding of the role of human actors within them. It is no longer simply a question of designing and developing user interfaces once systems have been built (a 20th century concept), but of progressively integrating human and machine agents to satisfy objectives of flexibility, tangibility, durability and resilience, and criteria of safety, efficiency and comfort. This study is a continuation of the work carried out within the HSI (Human Systems Integration) working group of INCOSE (International Council on Systems Engineering) in collaboration with the IEA (International Ergonomics Association). We will focus on the triptych of technologies, contexts and people within organizations. Digitization relies on algorithms using artificial intelligence, data analysis, software engineering, complex systems engineering, ergonomics and the properties of the domain under consideration (e.g. aeronautics, space, automotive, rail, etc.). We will be inviting academic and industrial specialists from cross-disciplinary fields such as systems engineering, computer science and ergonomics, as well as from civil and military vertical sectors such as aerospace and automotive, to exchange ideas during this symposium on the theme of human-machine teaming, where highly automated machines are endowed with decision-making and action capabilities. We'll be addressing issues of complexity, performance, trust and collaboration between humans and machines.

15-20 July 2023. INCOSE International Symposium (IS2023), Hybrid, Honolulu, USA.18-23 June 2023. Doctoral Summer School on Uncertainty, Ascona, Switzerland (picture)

7-8 June 2023. Safety Forum. Organzed by the Flight Safety Foundation at EUROCONTROL HQ, Brussels, Belgium.

5 June 2023. Scenario-Based Design: The PRODEC Experience. EUROCONTROL Webinar (15.00-16.30 Brussels CET) by Guy André Boy.

25 May 2023. LGI Interdisciplinary Day. CentraleSupelec, Paris Saclay University.

26 April 2023. HSI for Sustainability. Workshop at INCOSE EMEA WSEC Symposium. Sevilla, Spain.

3 April 2023. Human systems integration in space operations. Amazonies Spatiales Project. Matrice, Paris.

31 March 2023. Quelle(s) formation(s) ingénieurs dans 15 ans pour le secteur aéronautique et spatial ? Séminaire prospectif du Groupe ISAE à l'ISAE-SUPAERO, Toulouse.

22-23 March 2023. Vers une méthodologie pour détecter, comprendre et combattre l'infox. Présentation à Infox sur Seine. SCAI (Sorbonne Centre on AI), Sorbonne Université, Paris.

20 March 2023. Human Systems Integration: history, role and current developments. Talk at Cranfield University, UK.

13-17 March 2023. Human Systems Integration course, Master of Science on Industry Management Transformation, ESCP Business School-CentraleSupélec, Paris Saclay University, Gif-sur-Yvette, France.

27 February - 10 March 2023. Human Systems Integration course, System Science and Design, CentraleSupélec, Paris Saclay University, Gif-sur-Yvette, France.

14 February 2023. Use Cases of HSI from Different Industries. EUROCONTROL Webinar (15.00-16.30 Brussels CET) by Guy André Boy.

28-31 January 2023. INCOSE International Workshop. Hybrid. Torrance, California, USA.

19 January 2023. Ingénierie Système et simulation de Défense. Journée AFIS-AFSim. ENSTA, Paris Saclay.

3-13 January 2023. Human Systems Integration course at ESTIA, Bidart, France.

15-16 December 2022. Complex Systems Design and Management Conference. Paris, France.

7-8 December 2022. AFIS Doctoral Consortium. Toulouse, France.

6 December 2022. Aeronautics Competences Workshop (Atelier Compétences Aéronautiques). Civil Aviation Committee, Air & Space Academy, Toulouse, France.

5 December 2022. FlexTech Chair Workshop (internal). ESTIA Institute of Technology, Bidart, France.

1 December 2022. CEAM visit at ESTIA, Bidart, France.

28 November 2022. Problem Solving and Procedures – How People are handling Unexpected Situations. EUROCONTROL Webinar (15:00-16:30 Brussels CET) by Guy André Boy.

25 November 2022. GAB rapporteur du Jury de thèse de Hind Bouami-Charler sur le sujet, "L'automatisation centrée sur l'humain du circuit du médicament à l'hôpital", pour l'obtention du grade de Docteur de l"université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France et de l'INSA Hauts-de-France, Spécialité Automatique. La candidate a brillament défendu sa thèse et a obtenu son grade de Docteur.

14 November 2022. Design for Flexibility: A Human Systems Integration approach. Invited talk by Guy André Boy at INCOSE San Diego Chapter meeting, San Diego, CA, USA.

16-18 November 2022. INCOSE HSI Worldwide Workshop. Torrance, California, USA. Hybrid.

16-19 October 2022. Human Factors & Ergonomics Society of Australia (HFESA), Lancemore Macedon Ranges, Victoria, Australia. G.A. Boy will give a Keynote on Earth as a spaceship: The Human Systems Integration challenge, on 17 October.

11 October 2022. Role of People in the Interconnected Systems (The Human Element in Large Complex Systems). EUROCONTROL Webinar (15:00-16:30 Brussels CET) by Guy André Boy. [180 participants]

3 October 2022. FlexTech: Already Three Years... A gathering event at CentraleSupélec... Signing agreement between FlexTech and CS Group becoming a member of the FlexTech Chair...

19 September 2022. Evolution of Automation. EUROCONTROL Webinar (15:00-16:10 Brussels CET) by Guy André Boy.

17 September 2022. Guy André Boy inducted Ful Member (Fellow) of the International Academy of Astronautics, Paris, France (more).

11 July 2022. Life-cycled digital engineering: The tangibility issue. Keynote by Guy André Boy at the IFIP 19th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, Grenoble Polytechnic Institute, France.

29 June-1 July 2022. Annual LGI Seminar. Bar sur Seine, France.

28 June 2022. 21:30 CET. Panel on The Social Dimension of Human Systems Integration. Guy Andre Boy, Shamsnaz Bhada, Charlotte Dunford, John Gill, Grace Kennedy and Avigdor Zonnenshain, at INCOSE 2022  International Symposium, Hybrid, Deroit, MI, USA.  

31 May 2022. The future of work. Board of Human Systems Integration. National Academies, USA.

21 April 2022. Human Autonomy Teaming. Aerospace Valley Technical Workshop, Toulouse, France

6-7 April 2022. Kick-off Carnot Cognition, ENS Paris-Saclay.

4 April 2022. Starting HSI courses at ISAE-SUPAERO, Toulouse, France

29 March 2022. Keynote by G.A. Boy on Digital Twins for Human-Systems Integration. CIRP Design

     Conference. ENS Paris-Saclay.

18 February 2022 - 16:00 CET. INCOSE HSI and SpaceCHI: my 2021 experience feedback.

     by Guy André Boy, Eskolaxo, ESTIA.

29 January -1 February, 2022. INCOSE International Workshop. Torrence, California, USA.

       - First HSI session, click for recorded video, held on Sat January 29, 2022, 10:30-12:30 PST

2 December 2021: Human-systems integration : from virtual to tangible. Lecture by Guy A. Boy at

                    Eurocontrol DFS Webinar series. REGISTRATION .

16 November 2021. FlexTech: Already Two Years... A gathering event at ESTIA prior to HSI2021...

16-19 Nov 2021: INCOSE HSI2021 International Conf. General Co-Chair (virtual).

10 November 2021. Human-centered design for space exploration and navigation: the virtual camera

                    concept. Design Exploration towards a Moon Architecture course. A MIT Media Lab lecture


9 November 2021: Participation in the "Aeronautics Competences of the Future" 2nd Workshop organized

                    by the Air and Space Academy, Toulouse.

8-10 Nov 2021: Global Conference on Aerospace Engineering and Technology (Aerospace-2021), Virtual.

                    Plenary speaker (8 Nov: 16:40-17:20 CET)

28-29 Oct 2021: INCOSE EMEA Workshop, Virtual. GAB was a Keynote speaker on HSI.

27 Oct 2021: L'Envoyé Spatial. MonCiné, Anglet.

21 October 2021: Participation in the "Aeronautics Competences of the Future" Workshop organized by the

                    Air and Space Academy, Toulouse. A talk will be given on Tangibility.

12 Oct 2021: Guy A. Boy will participate in the second COSS (Strategic & Scientific Organization

                    Committee) of the French Cognition Carnot Institute.

5 Oct 2021: Introduction to FlexTech research activities. CentaleSupélec Science Council.

14 Sep 2021: Automation aerospace experience useful for oil-&-gas telerobotics. TOTAL, Pau, France

25-29 July 2021: Applied Human Factors & Ergonomics International Conference (AHFE-2021),

                    Manhattan, New York, USA (virtual). Keynote speaker.

17-22 July 2021: INCOSE International Symposium (virtual). Participation in a Panel on Human-AI

                    Teaming: A Human Systems Integration Perspective (22 July at 15:30 CET)

9 July 2021: ESTIA Research workshop (internal)

13-18 June 2021: International Ergonomics Association World Congress (virtual). G.A. Boy was  

                    Keynote speaker (17 June at 16:15 CST).

8 June 2021. ECSCW'21 Challenges of transferring UX designs and insights across products and services.

                    Workshop. University of Zürich, Swtzerland (virtual).G.A. Boy will be Keynote Speaker.

18-21 May 2021: International Symposium on Aviation Psychology (virtual). G.A. Boy's participation in the

                    Research Panel (20 May, 11:00-12:15).

18 May 2021 (09:00-17:30): Means of control of the future (Moyen de conduite du futur).

                    Seminar EDF-CEA-Framatome: participation in a panel on Human Factors.

                    FlexTech Chair HSI approach has been presented.

10 & 14 May 2021: Guy A. Boy participated in the SpaceCHI worlshop at CHI-2021 (virtual)

30 April 2021: FlexTech Seminar with French Air & Space Force at ESTIA, Bidart (11:00-17:00)

27 April 2021: Monthly meeting, INCOSE HSI  Working Group (09:00-12:00)

15 April 2021 : Virtual Beyond the Cradle 2021: Envisioning a New Space Age. MIT online.

13 April 2021: Guy A. Boy will participate in the second COSS (Strategic & Scientific Organization

                     Committee) of the French Cognition Carnot Institute.

12 April 2021: Deadline for INCOSE HSI2021 submissions

15 April 2021: Virtual Beyond the Cradle 2021: Envisioning a New Space Age. MIT online.

13 April 2021: Guy A. Boy participated into the second COSS (Strategic & Scientific Organization

                     Committee) of the French Cognition Carnot Institute.

12 April 2021: Deadline for INCOSE HSI2021 submissions

11-12 March 2021: Air Transport Crisis & Climate et Challenge. Webinar organized by SUPAERO DECARBO

2 March 2021: Invited lecture on Human Systems  Integration (GAB). Trilateral Strategy Steering

                    Group of French, UK and US Airforces (FR-UK-US), Pentagon, Washington, D.C. (online)
