Boy, G.A. (2022-2023). A series of five webinars on Human Systems Integration and Human-Machine Teaming in Increasingly Autonomous Systems. EUROCONTROL.

Boy, G.A. (2019). Achieving systems tangibility. Technion, Haifa, Israel. June 19.

Boy, G.A., Bradshaw, J.M. & Yi, S. (2015). Lessons Learned from Earth to Outer Space.. and Back. Course at CHI 2015. Seoul, Korea. April 21. CHI'2015 ACM Conference Course on “HCI Lessons: From Earth to Outer Space… and Back” with Jeffrey Bradshaw and Soyeon Yi, Seoul, Korea, 2015.

HCI International Tutorial on “From interaction to team work in joint human-automation systems” with Jeffrey Bradshaw, San Diego, California, USA, 2009

HCI International Tutorial on “From interaction to team work in joint human-automation systems” with Jeffrey Bradshaw, Beijing, China, 2007

GSAC Training Course on “Introduction to Human Factors in Aeronautics Maintenance”, Montpellier, France, 2006

HUMANIST Training Tutorial on “Introduction to Safety and Human-Centered Design of Safety-Critical Systems”, Brussels, Belgium (2005), Saint-Lary Summer School, France (2005), Prague, Czech Republic (2006), Braunschweig, Germany (2006), Lyon, France (2007)

CHI Tutorial on “From direct manipulation to agent management” with Jeffrey Bradshaw, Vienna, Austria, 2004

Boy, G.A. (2004). World Computer Congress Tutorial on “Human-centered automation: A matter of agent design and cognitive function allocation” with Jeffrey Bradshaw, Toulouse, France, 2004. Published in IFIP Congress Tutorials 2004. DOI: 10.1007/1-4020-8159-6_11. Corpus ID: 21160235.

International Summer School on Human-Centered Design of Knowledge Management Systems Tutorial on “Co-Adaptation of People and Technology”, Boussens, France, 2003

International Summer School on Human-Centered Design of Knowledge Management Systems Tutorial on “Human-Centered Design: Taking Seriously Human Factors in Engineering Requires New Organizational Setups”, Boussens, France, 2003

HCI International Tutorial on “From direct manipulation to agent management” with Jeffrey Bradshaw, Heraklion, Crete, 2003

European Conference on Cognitive Science Tutorial on “From direct manipulation to agent management” with Jeffrey Bradshaw, Osnabrück, Germany, 2003

International Summer School on Design for Safety Tutorial on “Dynamic and Safety-Critical Decision Making: An Experience-Based Approach”, Saint-Lary, France, 2001

International Summer School on Design for Safety Tutorial on “Traceability of Design Decisions: Implications on Design for Safety”, Saint-Lary, France, 2001

International Summer School on Human-Centered Design of Organizational Memory Systems Tutorial on “Cognitive Function Analysis and Active Design Documents”, Saint-Lary, France, 1997

International Summer School on Human-Centered Design of Organizational Memory Systems Tutorial on “Software agent adaptivity in documentation systems”, Saint-Lary, France, 1997

International Summer School on Human-Centered Automation Tutorial on “Automation and knowledge: How can the HCA be measured and modeled”, Saint-Lary, France, 1995

International Summer School on Human-Centered Automation Tutorial on “Automation and co-operation: The use of agents”, Saint-Lary, France, 1995

Avignon'94 Conference Tutorial on “Agent-oriented knowledge acquisition for dynamic systems” with Jeffrey Bradshaw, Paris, France, 1994

TOOLS'93 Tutorial on “Cognitive Science and Objects: The Agent Perspective”. Versailles, France, 1993

Automn School of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris Tutorial on “Integrated human-machine intelligence in aerospace systems”, 1992.