February 2022

Monday 18 April 2022 16:27

End of January/beginning of February is avery year the time for INCOSE International Workshop, usually held in Torrance, California. I went there this year. It was organized as an hybrid event - mcuh less people than usual, but very good to meet with people involved in systems engineering. I was in charge of HSI activities. Everything went very nicely until the day before I planned on returning to France. Indeed, I got positive for COVID, and needed to stay in the US for a longer period of time. 

Mid-February was dedicated to starting my HSI classes at CentraleSupélec. This year the HSI module was planned on two months. Much more students than last year: 45! Very interested students with a variety of motivations. Many of them were very interested in health care system issues, other on nuclear energy. As usual now, aerospace motivated a large set of students.